Green Building

What Kaiser Construction can offer to your project:
- Recycled materials
- Higher tier HVAC units for lower energy
- Recycling option with Waste Management for concrete, drywall, cardboard and paper products
- Florescent lighting and light bulbs
- Programmable power devices such as thermostats and lighting contactors
- Reuse of operating items when feasible and agreed upon with client
- Proper insulation and sealant to maximize the Thermal R Value (resistance) in your suite
Kaiser Construction gone green!!
- Email is used for plan distribution to help eliminate paper waste
- Recycling of shredded paper and cardboard products
- Lights are kept off if not in use and low watt bulbs are in place
- Thermostat is programmed high and ceiling fans are used to maximize air flow
- All drywall and framing material is made of recycled products